Happy Mother's Day to my dear, sweet mother! Thank you for being a wonderful influence to me in my life. I am so thankful for the righteous example you have been for me in my life. You are everything and more that I hope to become someday. Thank you for having SO much patience with me and for always being there for me. Thank you for helping me to become the young woman I am today and someday, the woman I will be. Thank you for the lessons you've taught me throughout my life. I will forever remember them and be thankful for them. Thank you for being the perfect example of a mother to me. I know someday when I have a family of my own I'll look back to you and raise my children the way you did me. Thank you for supporting me in the many crazy things I do in my life. Thank you for coming to what probably seemed like the never ending band performances, concerts, recitals and events. Thank you for helping me and encouraging me to do and be my best.
Most importantly, thank you for being my best friend. There has never been a time where I've felt like I couldn't come to you for something. I love hanging out with you, being around you, spending time with you and just talking to you. I'm looking forward to the rest of the time I get to spend with you! I love you so much!
And Happy Mother's day to the rest of the amazing examples in my life as well. Both my grandmothers, my Young Woman Leaders, and other Women in my life. I'll forever remember everything you've done for me!